Free-Use Hymn and Song Scores (right-click on title to open score)

Above All Else: A Prayer (inspired by Brian McLaren's writing) 170 KB
All of Us Are Loved (a doxology, recorded as "Affirmation") 122 KB
All of Who I Am (a song about self-love) 159 KB
All that We Need (hope during the COVID-19 crisis) 130 KB
All the Earth Belongs to God (an environmental justice hymn) 178 KB
As Our Voices Join Together (a regathering hymn text) 64.6 KB
As You Go on Your Way (a closing hymn or sending-out song) 110 KB
At the Table of the Holy (a hymn text about inclusion and repentance) 91.3 KB
Blest are You, the Poor in Spirit (a Beatitudes hymn text) 15.3 KB
Bound to Love (a round about our connections and our gifts) 61.8 KB
Brave Spirit, Make Us Brave (a prayer for courage to heal the world) 235 KB
Call Me by My Name (an affirmation of chosen identities) 255 KB
Christmas Star (a folk song about brokenness and wholeness) 169 KB
Church is More than Just a Building (a reminder during COVID-related church "closings") 125 KB
Church is the Way We Live (a hymn about what church can and should be) 117 KB
The Church Where Love Lives (a celebration of inclusive churches) 211 KB
Comfort, Comfort (new text for Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring) 12.3 KB
The Creatures We Love (a lullaby for a Blessing of the Animals service) 77.9 KB
The Day We Are Given (a celebratory gathering hymn) 202 KB
The Day We Are Given Refrain (short version of The Day We Are Given: refrain only) 71.7 KB
Deliver Us to Evil (a hymn of commitment to healing the world) 111 KB
Depend on You (A song of trust in times of change) 124 KB
The Difference (a song about making the difference) 158 KB
Do All the Good You Can (a Wesleyan sending-out) 104 KB
Everyone is Worthy (up-tempo chant - hand drumming encouraged!) 109 KB
Everything Remains (a hymn about the work before us and the hope within us) 118 KB
Faith of Metaphor and Mystery (progressive Christian hymn; text by Bronwyn Angela White) 206 KB
The Fast that Love Has Chosen (a hymn for the beginning of Lent) 157 KB
Fearfully, Wonderfully Made (a celebration of our embodied lives) 121 KB
Filled with Loving-Kindness (round based on a traditional Buddhist meditation) 59 KB
Find Your Music (a song about living abundantly) 80.2 KB
For a Faith (a Gospel-style hymn of thanksgiving) 127 KB
For the Weaving of Our Lives (about interdependence; uses the tune "Dix") 60.6 KB
From Our Abundance We Give (a stewardship worship song) 387 KB
A Gift for the Altar (LGBTQIA+ church inclusion hymn, published in Shaping Sanctuary) 137 KB
Go Out in Joy! (a sending-out song) 400 KB
God Abundant, God of Wonder (a Christian hymn against Christian nationalism) 86.3 KB
God Speaks Today (inspired by the UCC slogan...) 12.9 KB
God, the Soaring Eagle (a celebration of all the genders of holiness) 114 KB
Godspeed (a sending-out song) 588 KB
Grant Us Grace, Oh, Tender Spirit (a prayer inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:7) 90 KB
Grateful (a song of gratitude) 111 KB
Hell is a Human Invention (a tango celebrating universalist theology) 138 KB
Here There Is Wholeness (a round of invitation) 56.7 KB
History and Mystery (sometimes the spirit trumps the letter of the law) 112 KB
History and Mystery Version 2 (varied music in verses 4 and 6) 161 KB
Holy Boldness, Move Our Spirits (a justice hymn) 177 KB
Holy Dreamer, Joyful Healer (a progressive Christian hymn of celebration) 89.5 KB
Hope Waits for Us at Advent (an Advent hymn with a twist) 165 KB
If the Prophets Lived Today (economic justice hymn, first published in Sing Justice! Do Justice!) 76.3 KB
In Sorrow We Remember (a mourning hymn; suggested tune is Bach Passion Chorale) 168 KB
In the Breaking of the Bread (an Emmaus/Communion song) 171 KB
In Times of Change We Look to You (a jazzy worship song for church transitions) 182 KB
Jesus Called Lazarus (a hymn about coming out into life) 117 KB
Jesus the Essential Worker (a song honoring COVID-19 essential workers) 187 KB
Just Such a Time as This (faith in times of struggle) 71.2 KB
Justice and Joy (a round about the fruits of our labor) 57.7 KB
Justice Round (Biblical justice verses, set in three parts) 59.6 KB
The Kin-dom of God is the Queerest of Nations (celebrating Jesus's vision of Love's Domain) 63.5 KB
The Light Comes as a Rainbow (a queer take on the covenant) 68.3 KB
Little Baby, Soon to Join Us (a welcoming song useful for baby showers) 115 KB
Love Comes to Us at Christmas (conclusion to Hope Waits for Us at Advent) 121 KB
Love Had a Dream (a progressive take on Easter) 767 KB
Love Her Before You Judge Her (compassion for women in abusive relationships) 122 KB
Love the Stranger (a simple verse about the heart of the matter) 93.3 KB
Love, When It Seems that You're Far Away (a hymn of hope in times of despair) 116 KB
Love's Wonder (a short song) 85.9 KB
Lover Spirit, Intuition (a song for sending the directions) 105 KB
The Manger is Stranger (a Christmas lullaby) 125 KB
May I Be an Instrument (round based on St. Francis' peace prayer) 72.7 KB
Mother Earth, Beloved Garden (a hymn for calling the directions) 1.06 MB
Music that Makes Community (a verse for the MMC community) 85.5 KB
Now, As You Leave this Assembly of Lovers (a closing or sending-out hymn) 119 KB
Now Our Voices Join Together (a hymn for returning to congregational worship) 13.4 KB
Oh, Jesus Had Two Fathers (a hymn for kids of same-sex parents) 115 KB
Oh, My Shepherd (a confessional psalm for whites working against racism) 325 KB
Once Jesus Loved a Rich Man (economic justice hymn, first published in Sing Justice! Do Justice!) 103 KB
Peace Prayer (a simple round) 56.8 KB
Persistent Love, Enduring Hope [text only] (inspired by Philippians 3:11-14) 77.8 KB
A Prayer (after Jesus) (inspired by the Lord's Prayer) 129 KB
Proclaim the Acceptable Year of the Lord! (multiply published economic justice (Jubilee) hymn) 113 KB
Queerly Beloved (an exultant gathering/opening hymn) 109 KB
Rebuilding Starts with Weeping (written following the 2020 US election) 12.9 KB
Rise Up in Us (An Easter worship song) 177 KB
Rooted and Grounded in Love (a song of faith in challenging times) 122 KB
Rooted in Fertile Ground (a celebratory worship song) 260 KB
Rooted and Grounded in Love choral (arranged by Bryan T. Johnson) 519 KB
Shake the Dust off Your Sandals (a hymn about going where our gifts are welcome) 113 KB
Sing the World that God Imagines (inspired by the Hymn Society 2022 conference theme) 13.1 KB
So Great a Cloud of Witnesses (reflection on Hebrews 11-12) 335 KB
Spirit, Gracious Spirit (Taize-style text, folk melody, jazz chords) 116 KB
Spirit of Community (co-written with Spencer LaJoye for an ordination) 424 KB
Spirit of Justice, Spirit of Kindness (a prayer structured as a round) 54.6 KB
Spirit of Love (a Gospel-style hymn) 140 KB
The Spirit Sends Us Out (a Pentecost song) 354 KB
Table of Unity, Bread of Community (a Communion hymn) 432 KB
Testament to Love (a hymn about rejection and acceptance) 110 KB
Thank You/Send Me (a simple round of gratitude and willingness) 55.5 KB
Today, We Come with Heavy Hearts (a hymn of confession) 113 KB
Two Processions (choral) (a simple version for choir) 304 KB
Vote Your Dream (rote song about voting our values) 57.3 KB
Vote Your Dream with harmonies (chant for values voting, with parts included) 110 KB
We Are Gathered (a hymn for and about virtual worship (traditional tune)) 71.7 KB
We Are Setting the Rainbow Table (a Communion hymn appropriate for Pride services or inclusive congregations) 133 KB
We Asked for Fish (a hymn about open hearts and closed doors) 115 KB
We Belong to One Another (a hymn about interdependence; tune of Nettleton) 62.8 KB
We Give Thanks in Hard Times (a song of gratitude in difficult times) 154 KB
We Labor in a Garden (vocals and piano) 340 KB
We Who Have Gathered Today (an opening verse) 88.9 KB
We Will Go Out in Love! (a progressive Christian sending-out song) 186 KB
We Will Rest (a lullaby about the spirituality of self-care) 64.2 KB
Weep Like Rachel (a mourning song for gun violence) 91.8 KB
Welcome to the Manger (a Christmas folk song) 124 KB
What a Wondrous Day (Gospel-style hymn celebrating Unitarian Universalist principles) 163 KB
What Are We Called to Do (the greatest commandment in a round) 60.4 KB
When Christmas Brings More Pain than Joy (a Blue Christmas service hymn) 120 KB
When Jesus Set His Table (a hymn in preparation for communion) 76.3 KB
When We Are Afraid (song in the Taize tradition) 91.6 KB
Who Is My Neighbor? (a hymn about what we owe one another) 124 KB
With What Shall We Approach You? (a hymn text about repentance and justice) 104 KB
Within God's Great Economy (a hymn text about abundance) 93.5 KB
You Cannot Serve God and Guns (a prayer of protest) 91.3 KB