Unitarian Universalist Music

Much of the music on this website could be used productively by inclusive Christian, Unitarian Universalist, and Unity congregations, and in some cases by other religious traditions. A handful of pieces were originally written for Unitarian Universalist contexts, though anyone is welcome to use them regardless of religious affiliation (and Unitarian Universalists are welcome to use anything on this website that they find suitable). I have listed the original UU pieces on this sub-page and indicated where scores, texts, or recordings of them can be found. I have also included some materials not written specifically for UU settings that are appropriate to such settings. (I also encourage you to review the "Justice Music" subpage.)
Above All Else (Other Worship Music #1)
All of Us Are Loved (Other Worship Music #1)
All of Who I Am (Other Songs)
As You Go on Your Way (Other Worship Music #1)
Bring a Flower: A Flower Communion Hymn (Other Worship Music #1)
The Creatures We Love (Church Season Music; appropriate for blessing of the animals)
The Day We Are Given (Other Worship Music #1)
Deliver Us to Evil (Justice Music)
Do All the Good You Can (Other Worship Music #1)
Everyone is Worthy (Other Worship Music #1)
Find Your Music (Other Songs)
For a Faith (Other Worship Music #1)
For the Weaving of Our Lives (Other Worship Music #2)
Go Out in Joy! (Other Worship Music #1)
Hell is a Human Invention (Other Songs)
Love's Wonder (Other Worship Music #2)
Now Our Voices Join Together (COVID-19 Resources)
Rejoice (Other Songs)
Rooted in Fertile Ground (Other Worship Music #2)
Spirit, Gracious Spirit (Other Worship Music #2)
Spirit of Love (Other Worship Music #2)
We Belong to One Another (Other Worship Music #2)
What a Wondrous Day (Other Worship Music #2)