YouTube Videos

YouTube videos for my songs and hymns are listed alphabetically below. I have only included videos for which the musical quality is appropriate for worship broadcasting. Below the videos of hymns, rounds, and worship songs I have posted a couple of sermons, podcast interviews, and other public talks. Please email me at if you would like a video sent to you without the additional complications of YouTube, such as advertisements; I have mp4s of all of the below videos and am happy to share them.

Above All Else
Above All Else (women's voices) 
All of Us Are Loved [recorded as Affirmation]
A choral version of All of Us Are Loved 
A languid pop version of All of Us Are Loved
All of Who I Am
All of Who I Am (choir version)
All that We Need
All the Earth Belongs to God
As You Go on Your Way
The Blessings of the Year
Blest Are You, the Poor in Spirit
Bound to Love
Brave Spirit, Make Us Brave
Bringing in the Harvest
Call Me by My Name
Christmas Star
Church is More than Just a Building
Church is More than Just a Building (alternate video)
Church is the Way We Live
Church is the Way We Live (pop version)
The Church Where Love Lives
Another version of The Church Where Love Lives
Come Hope: An Advent Round
Consider the Lilies
The Creatures We Love
The Creatures We Love with alternate lyric in verse 2
The Day that I Die
The Day We Are Given
Days of Rage and Days of Hope (hymn version)
Days of Rage and Days of Hope (1960s pop version)
Depend on You
Depend on You live in worship
Another version of Depend on You
The Difference
Do All the Good You Can
Every Last One
Everyone is Worthy
Everything Remains
The Fast that Love Has Chosen
Fearfully, Wonderfully Made
Find Your Music
For a Faith
For the Weaving of Our Lives
For the Weaving of Our Lives (a cappella)
From Our Abundance We Give
From Our Abundance We Give (swing, in 3)
God Abundant, God of Wonder
God is Known
God Speaks Today
God, the Soaring Eagle (traditional)
God, the Soaring Eagle (pop arrangement)
God, We Gather as Your People
Hell is a Human Invention
Here There is Wholeness
History and Mystery
Holy Boldness, Move Our Spirits
Holy Dreamer, Joyful Healer
Hope Waits for Us at Advent
Hope Waits for Us at Advent with descant
Hope Waits for Us at Advent verse 1
Hope Waits for Us at Advent verse 2
Hope Waits for Us at Advent verse 3
Hope Waits for Us at Advent verse 4
Humble Humanist
I Will Plant Some Flowers (music by Connie Greenwood)
In Sorrow We Remember
In the Breaking of the Bread
In Times of Change We Look to You
Into the Gray
Jesus the Essential Worker
Just Such a Time as This
Justice and Joy
Justice Round
The Kin-dom of God is the Queerest of Nations
The Light Comes as a Rainbow
The Light Comes as a Rainbow (pop version)
Love Comes to Us at Christmas
Love Had a Dream
Love the Stranger
Love Will Have the Final Laugh
Love Will Have the Final Laugh (WildeP'lay version)
Love's Wonder
Make of My Heart a Stable (Advent 1)
Make of My Heart a Stable (Advent 2)
Make of My Heart a Stable (Advent 3)
Make of My Heart a Stable (Advent 4)
Maker of All: A Sung Response to the Lord's Prayer
The Manger is Stranger
The Manger is Stranger (lullaby version)
May I Be an Instrument
A Mile in Your Shoes
Mother Earth, Beloved Garden
Now as You Leave this Assembly of Lovers
Oh, Jesus Had Two Fathers
Oh, My Shepherd
Peace Prayer: A Round
Persistent Love, Enduring Hope
A Prayer (after Jesus)
Queerly Beloved
Rebuilding Starts with Weeping [solo]
Rebuilding Starts with Weeping [choir]
Rise Up in Us: An Easter Worship Song
Rooted and Grounded in Love
Rooted and Grounded in Love: UCC Synod Virtual Choir
Sing the World that God Imagines (traditional music)
Sing the World that God Imagines (original music)
Sing the World that God Imagines (original music; WildeP'lay version)
So Great a Cloud of Witnesses
Spirit, Gracious Spirit
Spirit, Gracious Spirit (alternate video)
The Spirit is Moving
Spirit of Community
Spirit of Justice, Spirit of Kindness
Spirit of Love
The Spirit Sends Us Out
The Spirit Sends Us Out (WildeP'lay version)
Table of Unity, Bread of Community
Teacher Jesus, Source of Knowledge
Two Processions: A Palm Sunday Hymn
Two Processions (WildeP'lay version)
Vote Your Dream
We Are Gathered
We Are Gathered (alternate video)
We Are Setting the Rainbow Table
We Belong to One Another
We Give Thanks in Hard Times (new video)
We Give Thanks in Hard Times (earlier video)
We Labor in a Garden
We Will Go Out in Love!
Another version of We Will Go Out in Love!
We Will Rest
Weep Like Rachel (Conie Borchardt)
Weep Like Rachel (TCC Norton choir)
Welcome to the Manger
What a Wondrous Day
When Christmas Brings More Pain than Joy
When Jesus Set His Table
When We Are Afraid
Who Is My Neighbor?
Who Is My Neighbor? (alternate version)
With What Shall We Approach You?
Within God's Great Economy
You Cannot Serve God and Guns

Other Videos (in chronological order from oldest to newest)
Four Songs: a short concert given immediately following a 2015 lecture on ethics and inequality
This Moment in Music with Hal Walker, Episode 10 (2020)
Song of the Soul podcast (2020) [not a YouTube video, a website link]
Online Ministry Mastermind podcast (2020) [not a YouTube video, a website link]
Future Christian podcast from 2020
A Holy Discomfort: The Spiritual Work of Singing Welcome (a sectional for the 2021 conference of the Hymn Society in the US and Canada, delivered June 24, 2021)
 UCC Summer Artist Series 1 2023: Prophetic Pride Music with Amanda Udis-Kessler (a conversation with Rev. Tracy Howe and an introduction to this website, my music, and some other resources)