Church Season Worship Music

Descriptions (and YouTube video links) are broken out by liturgical season or specific holiday. The scores and recordings are alphabetical and are not broken out by season or holiday.
Click on any title for a YouTube video except where otherwise noted. Where multiple videos exist, they are all included on the YouTube videos page.

Come Hope: An Advent Round” addresses the four yearnings of Advent in a simple three-part round.
"Hope Waits for Us at Advent" is an Advent hymn with a twist. A version with verses 1-3 is available upon request. Individual verses appear alone as does a version with a descant line. Stand-alone videos are now available for Advent 1, Advent 2, Advent 3, and Advent 4; please click on the text for the relevant week (e.g., "Advent 1") for the video.
"Make of My Heart a Stable" was written as an Advent piece for The Inn ( There is not a single YouTube video for the entire piece, but there are YouTube videos for Advent 1, Advent 2, Advent 3, and Advent 4. Please click on "Advent 1" (for example) to access the relevant video.

"Christmas Star," a folk song, might be appropriate for Christmastide and Epiphany.
"Love Comes to Us at Christmas" is a Christmas verse for the hymn "Hope Waits for Us at Advent."
"The Manger Is Stranger" is a Christmas carol that would also work as an Epiphany lullaby. The recording that appears first is faster and more majestic; the WildeP'lay recording is slower and more in keeping with the piece as a lullaby.
"Welcome to the Manger" is a Christmas folk song.
"When Christmas Brings More Pain than Joy" was written for "Blue Christmas" services.

Ash Wednesday/Lent
"The Fast that Love Has Chosen" is appropriate for the beginning of Lent.

Holy Week
"Two Processions" is a Palm Sunday hymn based on the book "The Last Week" by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan.
"When We Are Afraid" could be used at any time in which a Taize-style piece might be called for but would be especially appropriate for a Holy Saturday gathering.

"Love Had a Dream" is an Easter piece.
"Love Will Have the Final Laugh" is an upbeat Easter hymn. Here's a slightly slower and more tender version.
Rise Up in Us” is a tender Easter (or Eastertide) worship song, simple to learn. See “All Scores” page for solo and choral versions.

"Spirit of Love" could be used at Pentecost. 
"The Spirit Sends Us Out" is a Pentecost sending-out song that could be used as a closer almost any week of the year.

Other Holidays/Special Church Service Days
"The Creatures We Love" is appropriate for a Blessing of the Animals service. There are two versions with slightly different lyrics on the recordings page and the videos page.
"God is Known" is an Evolution Sunday hymn text based on process theology. The recording uses the tune Nettleton.
"In Sorrow We Remember" is a non-doctrinal hymn text appropriate for Day of the Dead/All Souls' Day/All Saint's Day services. It can be sung to many tunes, but the YouTube video uses the Bach Passion Chorale.

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