Musical Styles of Material

As another way to work through the materials on this website, I'm listing pieces by musical style, along with the subpage where their score and/or recording can be found. Rounds are not included in the below list, nor are Taize-style pieces and single-verse/refrain pieces.

Folk/Country Music
The Blessings of the Year (Other Songs)
Bringing in the Harvest (Other Songs)
Christmas Star (Church Season Music)
The Difference (Justice Music)
Find Your Music (Other Songs)
Godspeed (Other Songs)
Grace (Other Songs)
I Will Plant Some Flowers (Other Songs)
Jesus the Essential Worker (Justice Music)
Love's Wonder (Worship Music #2)
We Give Thanks in Hard Times (Other Songs)
Welcome to the Manger (Church Season Music)

Gospel Music
The Church Where Love Lives (Other Worship Music #1)
For a Faith (Other Worship Music #1)
From Our Abundance We Give (Other Worship Music #1)
Rooted and Grounded in Love (Other Worship Music #2)
Spirit of Love (Church Season Music, Other Worship Music #2)
We Are Setting the Rainbow Table (Communion Hymns, LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
What a Wondrous Day (Other Worship Music #2)

Hymn Texts with Traditional Music
At the Table of the Holy (Beach Spring; Other Worship Music #1)
Blest are You, the Poor in Spirit (Hyfrydol suggested; Other Worship Music #1)
Church is More than Just a Building (Hyfrydol; Other Worship Music #1)
Comfort, Comfort (tune of Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring Chorale; Other Worship Music #1)
For the Harm that We Have Caused: A Confessional Hymn (Dix; Other Worship Music #1)
For the Weaving of Our Lives (Dix; Other Worship Music #1)
God Abundant, God of Wonder (The Battle Hymn of the Republic; Justice Music)
God is Known (Nettleton; Church Season Music)
God Speaks Today (Ar Hyd Y Nos; Other Worship Music #1)
Grant Us Grace, Oh, Tender Spirit (Beecher; Other Worship Music #1)
Holy Dreamer, Joyful Healer (Hymn to Joy; Other Worship Music #1)
In Sorrow We Remember (Bach Passion Chorale suggested; available on All Scores page)
The Kin-dom of God is the Queerest of Nations (Kremser; LGBTQIA+ Music #1; version with original music available on the All Scores and All Recordings pages)
Little Baby, Soon to Join Us (Hyfrydol; Other Songs)
Persistent Love, Enduring Hope (Amazing Grace; Other Worship Music #2)
Rebuilding Starts with Weeping (Bach Passion Chorale suggested; Justice Music)
Sing the World that God Imagines (Hymn to Joy; Other Worship Music #2)
Teacher Jesus, Source of Knowledge (Hyfrydol; Other Worship Music #2)
We Are Gathered (Nettleton; Other Worship Music #2)
We Belong to One Another (Nettleton; Other Worship Music #2)
With What Shall We Approach You? (Passion Chorale; Other Worship Music #2)
Within God's Great Economy (Ellacombe; Other Worship Music #2)

European Hymn-Inspired Music
All the Earth Belongs to God (Justice Music)
Bring a Flower (Other Worship Music #1)
Church is the Way We Live (Other Worship Music #1)
The Day We Are Given (Other Worship Music #1)
Days of Rage and Days of Hope: A Pride Hymn (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
Deliver Us to Evil (Justice Music)
Faith of Metaphor and Mystery (Other Worship Music #1)
Fearfully, Wonderfully Made (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
God, the Soaring Eagle (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
History and Mystery (Other Worship Music #1)
Holy Boldness, Move Our Spirits (Justice Music)
If the Prophets Lived Today (Justice Music)
Jesus Called Lazarus (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
Love the Stranger (Other Worship Music #2)
The Manger is Stranger (Church Season Music)
Now, As You Leave This Assembly of Lovers (Other Worship Music #2)
Oh, Jesus Had Two Fathers (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
Once Jesus Loved a Rich Man (Justice Music)
Proclaim the Acceptable Year of the Lord (Justice Music)
Queerly Beloved (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
Shake the Dust off Your Sandals (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
Testament to Love (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
Today, We Come with Heavy Hearts (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
Two Processions (Church Season Music)
We Will Not Curse what God Has Blessed (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
When Christmas Brings More Pain than Joy (Church Season Music)
When Jesus Set His Table (Communion Hymns)

Pop Music
Above All Else: A Prayer (Other Worship Music #1)
All of Us Are Loved (Other Worship Music #1)
All of Who I Am (Other Songs)
All that We Need (Other Songs)
As You Go on Your Way (Other Worship Music #1)
Brave Spirit, Make Us Brave (Other Worship Music #1)
Call Me by My Name (Other Songs)
The Creatures We Love (Church Season Music)
The Day that I Die (Other Songs)
Depend on You (Other Worship Music #1)
Do All the Good You Can (Other Worship Music #1)
Every Last One (Other Songs)
Everything Remains (Justice Music)
Equinox (Other Songs)
The Fast that Love Has Chosen (Church Season Music)
A Gift for the Altar (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
Grateful (Other Songs)
Hope Waits for Us at Advent (Church Season Music)
In the Breaking of the Bread (Communion Hymns)
Just Such a Time as This (Other Worship Music #2)
The Light Comes as a Rainbow (LGBTQIA+ Music #1)
Love Comes to Us at Christmas (Church Season Music)
Love Her before You Judge Her (Other Songs)
Love, When It Seems that You're Far Away (Other Worship Music #2)
Love Will Have the Final Laugh: An Easter Hymn (Church Season Music)
Lover Spirit, Intuition (Other Songs)
A Mile in Your Shoes (Other Songs)
Mother Earth, Beloved Garden (Other Songs)
A Prayer after Jesus (Other Worship Music #2)
Rejoice (Other Songs)
Rest Now, Rest Easy (Other Songs)
Rise Up in Us (Church Season Music)
Rooted in Fertile Ground (Other Worship Music #2)
So Great a Cloud of Witnesses (Other Worship Music #2)
Spirit of Community (Other Worship Music #2)
The Spirit Sends Us Out (Church Season Music)
Table of Unity, Bread of Community (Communion Hymns)
We Asked for Fish (LGBTQIA+ Music #2)
We Labor in a Garden (Other Worship Music #2)
We Will Go Out in Love (Other Worship Music #2)
We Will Rest (Other Worship Music #2)
Who Is My Neighbor? (Justice Music)

Other Types of Music
Consider the Lilies (Other Songs; a cross between Klezmer and Broadway)
Everyone is Worthy (Other Worship Music #1; a cappella chant, instruments optional, drumming encouraged)
Go Out in Joy! (Other Worship Music #1; contemporary classical)
Hell is a Human Invention (Other Songs; a tango)
Love Had a Dream (Church Season Music; pop meets contemporary classical)
Oh, My Shepherd (Justice Music; contemporary classical)