Phoebe Lostroh, vocals; Amanda Udis-Kessler, piano; Randy Block, bass; Daniel Nash, percussion


Find your music. Find your joy. Find the best inside of you.
Find your wonder. Find your hope. Find your long-awaited muse.
Times are tough for everyone. You might feel like you’re alone.
Find the notes that move your soul. Find a song to call your own.

Find the chords that ring out true. Find that precious melody.
Find the rhythm of your heart. Clap your hands and tap your feet.
Fear and pain are all around. You might wonder what to do.
Find that deep, sustaining sound. Tell your story. Sing your truth.

Find your silence. Find your peace. Find the path that gives you life.
Dissonance will bring release. Morning will be born from night.
Death is never far away. Life can have its tragedy.
Find the music you can play. Bless the world with harmony.

Love is never far away. Love will not abandon you.
Say the words you have to say. Love will send a healing tune.